
Events - Beer Festivals 2025

Freshly tapped 2025

Gramppus, McGramppus, SchmittFix 31.05.2025

Gramppus and Anna-Weizen 09.06.2025

Gramppus and Anna-Weizen 09.08.2025

Brewing courses 2025

courses autumn 2025

Brautermine VHS Himmelkron Wintersemester 2025/2026

Brewing beer with your home's equipment

Part 1 - For Beginners

Practice: Saturday 15th November 2025

Theory and Kick-off: Thursday 23rd Oktober 2025

End of Application: 17th Oktober 2025

Appplication to:

VHS Himmelkron Tel. 09227 / 931-12

Course fee: 75,00 €

Target: In this brewing course we  build teams of 2 to 4 in order to produce about 20 liters of finished, bottom-fermented copper-colored Keller beer. The simple infusion brewing process is used. Meeting for beer tasting of the finished beer by appointment about 8 weeks later. Confirmation of participation with material list will be sent.


Brewing beer with your home's equipment

Part 2 - Advanced brewers

Practice: Saturday 22th November 2025

End of Application: 17th Oktober 2025

Application to:

VHS Himmelkron Tel. 09227 / 931-12

Course fee: 75,00 €

Target: In this brewing course we  build teams of 2 to 4 in order to produce about 20 liters of ready light, pale or dark Bavarian Wheat Beer with different types of malt. A multi-mashing process is used. The main focus of the course is the use of differnt kind of malt and the composition and mixing of malt styles to achieve a defined colour of the beer. Prerequisite is that course Part 1 - Beginners (also from previous years) has been attended.

Optionally you can participate on Kick-off meeting, too. Meeting for beer tasting of the finished beer by appointment approx. 8 weeks afterwards. Attendance confirmation with material list will be sent.